Wintergreen OK’d with conditions

A hearing examiner has approved the Wintergreen Townhomes Subdivision on Bainbridge Island, with many conditions.

This could pave the way for 73 single-family townhomes, 31 of which would be sold as affordable housing units, at 1320 and 1343 Wintergreen Lane.

Conditions include:

• Affordable units must stay that way for at least 99 years. Housing Resources Bainbridge or a comparable agency will make sure the homes remain low income.

• Applicant will pay $10,000 to HRB and Housing Kitsap upon the sale of each of the 31 affordable housing units. Applicant will pay $1,500 to HRB for each of the 71 units upon sale.

• Primary walkways must have a minimum of 5 feet of unobstructed width and have nonskid hard surfaces.

• Applicant shall make a good-faith effort to install pedestrian connection from the western edge of the development to High School Road.

• Applicant will pay $10,000 per parcel for restoration/augmentation of a buffer tree screen along Highway 305.

• Applicant will plant trees in the Highway 305 buffer to eliminate visual impacts and construct a 10-foot-high fully vegetated berm along Highway 305 to dampen noise impacts. There will be a 50-foot buffer between the development and Highway 305. It may be averaged but nothing less than 35 feet.

• Applicant must provide for city approval a parking plan, along with a bike barn, motorcycle parking spots and bicycle parking.

• Yards will be fenced to allow safe use by children and pets.

• Windows and door frames sealed to reduce noise in the homes.

•Exterior trash/recycling receptacles fully contained in masonry enclosures.

The decision is final unless an appeal is filed by Jan. 18.

In other city news:

• City crews provided 24-hour coverage by 18 employees during the recent winter snowstorm. The crews cleared primary and secondary roads with an emphasis on hills and curves, then moved on to neighborhood roads. The city responded to more than 70 requests to treat specific areas. In addition, the severe weather shelter at the Senior Community Center was open for eight days. Many locals were concerned about the icy ferry terminal parking lot, which was closed. That is Washington State Ferries property. But the city did clear sidewalks so people could walk more safely to the terminal. In the future, the city plans to work with WSF to make sure that area is addressed sooner.

• The final Sustainable Transportation Task Force meeting will occur Friday at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. The task force will review the groups of projects and programs identified for a Near-term Implementation Plan, encompassing the next six to 10 years of transportation infrastructure.
