School district should get its priorities straight | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: It was very distressing to read that the school district was found guilty and assessed $300,000 because they weren’t concerned enough to help a student who was terrorized and bullied for months in the high school.

To the editor:

It was very distressing to read that the school district was found guilty and assessed $300,000 because they weren’t concerned enough to help a student who was terrorized and bullied for months in the high school. My sympathy to that family.

Compare that event to the recent news that our school district rushed to hire an attorney two weeks ago to investigate a complaint by a cranky parent that his/her child in the junior high school has been going to the cafeteria each day for lunch with other students, along with three young men who are Christian ministers. These men have volunteered to eat there to keep it calm and civil for the students with the approval and encouragement of the school.

Reading these two stories leads me to ask: What is wrong with you all? Get your priorities straight!


Bainbridge Island