To the editor:
The ongoing mantra of the city and the downtown association, and hopefully, the merchants, has been for a long time “buy local.” There have been many years of resistance to changing that, as there should be.
Now we are being threatened with a chain/franchise pizza parlor and a big box store. Both of these issues are a huge threat to our local merchants. Do we need another pizza outlet, since we have several that do a good business, offer excellent products and are located around the island in various venues? I think not, and we definitely do not need another chain/franchise.
When it comes to Bartell’s, this huge conglomerate is a direct threat to almost every locally owned business on the island.
I am a great fan of Bartell’s. But it doesn’t belong here; put it up in Olhava where it can be easily reached and can compete with Walmart and every other outlet that sells food, cosmetics, drugs, books, magazines, kitchen utensils, greeting cards, you name it.
Every item sold in Bartell’s can be found here on the island. Basically, in my view, you’re putting another Fred Meyer here, minus the produce and the meat. And that is a real threat to our local merchants.
Bainbridge Island should take pride in its stores and restaurants and support them without the competition of such a huge national chain.
There comes a time when the planning department and those responsible for issuing permits for businesses need to put their foot down and stop fudging the lines of the zoning rules. Bainbridge is what it is because in the past strong people in position of authority stood their ground and stuck to the rules laid down by previous administrations.
Little Manzanita