Thank you for voting no on Proposition 1 | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: An overwhelming turnout! It is clear islanders have voiced their choice. Of our 17,000 registered voters, this proposition had the most attention (9,200-plus ballots)!

To the editor:

An overwhelming turnout! It is clear islanders have voiced their choice. Of our 17,000 registered voters, this proposition had the most attention (9,200-plus ballots)! Thank you to everyone who voted! Your overwhelming (75 percent) defeat of the bond for $15 million was a huge success!

Are we confused?

In their post-election news release the city claimed that we the voters are confused. Pretty arrogant and out-of-touch you say? Yes, this latest city of Bainbridge Island marketing spin is far off the mark — the Proposition 1 election results are very clear to everyone.

The city manager’s weekly report pounded their view that putting a new public service facility in a contaminated site was council’s intent. The target location was not confusing at all.

Are they trying a smokescreen to ignore the voters’ clear choice? Is this another weak attempt to discredit the proposition defeat and continue their unpopular campaign for an over-priced government campus?

The message is clear!

Bainbridge voters are educated on the issues and we insist on being financially prudent with our tax dollars.

The vote was “No” to both the location and the cost. Council and city staff need to drop the campus plan and cancel the contracts for the three commercial parcels.

Unfortunately, the real losers are our men in blue! There is no confusion that further delay in building a new station has affected morale in our police department. The council has really let them down with an ill-conceived plan!

Islanders are behind building a new police station at the right cost; not north of city hall.

Thank you again for your votes!


Chairman of the Committee Against Proposition 1