Fulfill promises before acquiring more land | Letters | May 1

I applaud the effort of the Bainbridge Island Metro Parks and Recreation District’s Parkland Acquisition Committee to gather public input. Here are mine:

1. Since we have no publicly owned, active-use park facilities on the south end of the island I recommend that the PAC convince the park board to build the two ball fields we voted for as part of the 1995 Gazzam Lake bond levy. By the way, the board-appointed Gazzam Lake Park Advisory Committee recommended a two-field plan in July 1996.

2. I encourage the PAC to provide support for the BIPRD to fix the restrooms at Battle Point so they don’t backup in the rainy months.

3. Please endorse funding the development of the Comcast property adjacent to the Strawberry Hill Park complex. If memory serves me, the public access/use of that land was a condition for obtaining city approval of Comcast taking control of the former Northland Cable facility.

The citizens of Bainbridge Island approved approximately $1 million per year in new tax revenue for BIPRD, 75 percent of which is earmarked for new acquisitions. In truth, BIPRD hasn’t kept promises made to taxpayers in the past (Gazzam Lake ball fields), some facilities are in need of repair (septic problems at Battle Point) and BIPRD already has access to lands it can’t/doesn’t develop.

Is buying more property the wisest use of the taxpayer’s dollars?

Please be responsible stewards of public funds and use common sense in establishing priorities for the additional revenue. For the short term, instead of looking for new land, please make good on past promises BIPRD made to island’s citizens, fix the facilities in need of repair and develop all of the property you currently hold. Once you’ve fixed/upgraded the assets you already have, then look for new acquisitions.

John F. Fossett

Bainbridge Island