Rolling Bay looks ahead

Residents of the Rolling Bay area are invited to a community meeting next week to discuss the future of their neighborhood in time for the 2014 Comprehensive Plan update.

Residents of the Rolling Bay area are invited to a community meeting next week to discuss the future of their neighborhood.

Attendees are encouraged to share ideas or concerns for a “community-envisioned plan” in time for the 2014 Comprehensive Plan update.

The workshop will be the first of several forums between neighbors, local business owners and civic partners to gather comments about potential improvements to the Rolling Bay neighborhood center. Participants will consider the negatives or problems to solve in Rolling Bay, the possibilities or vision they wish to offer the community and Rolling Bay’s assets.

Potential topics to be discussed include: traffic safety and pedestrian consideration; historical character and preservation; a public “village green” at Valley and Sunrise; landscaping and park benches; and a bike path on Valley.

The meeting will also gather feedback on a potential farm-table eatery to be constructed as an extension of Bay Hay & Feed.

Those involved in the discussion, include residents of Rolling Bay, Murden Cove, Hyla, Beach Crest, Manitou, Beach Park, Skiff Point, Edgecomb, Sunrise Albertson and general users of the neighborhood center.

The forum will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6 at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church.