Loss of Ted Spearman a difficult one for friends | Letters | Jan. 20

I have been so saddened by the loss of Judge Ted Spearman, that only now can I write these thoughts. Losing friends is one of the realities of becoming old, but this time it was different.


I have been so saddened by the loss of Judge Ted Spearman, that only now can I write these thoughts. Losing friends is one of the realities of becoming old, but this time it was different.

When you lose one of the stature of Ted it really hurts. I have never known a more human, human being. You may honor Ted at the Suquamish Community House at 1 p.m. on Jan. 21.

Growing up in Yakima by mixed heritage, Ted knew discrimination in its rawest form. Yet not only did he survive that awfulness, he turned what could have been a justified bitterness into a persona of tolerance and brotherhood.

His wisdom and warmth were beautiful to experience and, as a result,  many of us that knew him benefited by example.

Ted’s compassion and thoughtfulness knew no bounds. He saw the best in people and knew the potential of the human spirit. As a purveyor of human values as a citizen, lawyer and esteemed judge, he honored and fought for the values of the “common good.” Our community (indeed mankind) has lost a true and faithful advocate.

There’s a jagged hole in my heart with Ted’s passing. Hopefully the edges will smooth over time – but the hole will remain, and at least for that, I am glad.

Bob L. Burkholder, Bainbridge Island