To the editor:
After carefully considering Mr. James Olsen and recognizing the compassion he feels, it occurs to me to that he has not considered the deeper-reaching moral, ethical and societal issues of Roe vs. Wade, that of a particular group of unwanted babies born drug addicted, or with fetal alcohol syndrome and severe cognitive deficits, or infected with HIV and needing life long expensive medical care, or neglected and abused babies.
I wonder if Mr. Olsen has had experience working or interacting with social welfare agencies who provide services to these vulnerable children who become wards of the state because they are “unadoptable.”
I wonder because I spent years treating these babies knowing that our society has inadequate social services to care for them, knowing my work with these children was just a drop in the bucket of their life.
I would ask that Mr. Olsen consider becoming a foster parent or consider adopting an unwanted child.
Hopefully Mr. Olsen supports increased entitlements to support these most vulnerable citizens and will vote for the tax increases needed to fund those programs that the GOP is so adamant to reduce. Taking away a woman’s right to choose will require more money and services to care for those unwanted babies.
It is quite easy to espouse an ideal moral philosophy, put forth by well-meaning people, but we must consider the complexities of this issue.
Yes, there is nothing to celebrate about terminating a pregnancy, but the reality is, there is also nothing to celebrate about bringing children into a world where they have limited or no hopes for a decent future.
Sadly, this is the real world. Not the ideal world.
Bainbridge Island