To the editor:
While a recent and widely distributed blog entitled, “Politics as Blood Sport,” didn’t draw my blood, it definitely hit a sensitive nerve. That nerve is the one that feels outrage and screams, “Not true!”
The anonymous author of this blog posting (published under the banner of the Bainbridge Defense Fund) called me to task for advance knowledge of a lawsuit filed against the city and three of my council colleagues.
I’m not sure that point matters one whit.
However, my outraged nerve twanged painfully at the use of a manipulated, i.e. cut/pasted and falsely identified, video clip from the Aug. 7, 2013, City Council meeting as evidence of this foreknowledge.
That video clip and my comment, clearly intended to be on the public record, is cut from a longer full council discussion and decision to postpone an update on the status of our city’s lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the new (2013) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit until the lawsuit was formally filed in federal court.
And so, I write to correct the public record. I write to express my disgust and sadness that anyone’s need to undermine and discredit elected members of our city government has reached this all-time low. Finally, I write to remind all of us to question the facts behind anonymous allegations and as my mother always reminded me, “Consider the source.”
City Councilwoman, North Ward