Mary Lou and Joe Upton are pleased to announce the recent marriage of their daughter, Katherine Anne Upton (Bainbridge High School, Class of 2003) to Peter Walcutt Eichleay (Hotchkiss, 2000), son of Anne and George Eichleay of Pittsburgh, Pa.
The bride graduated from Bridgewater State College with numerous flight ratings and the groom, also a pilot, graduated from Bowdoin College.
The couple met in 2008 when Katie was a flight instructor at Norwood, a Massachusetts airport operated by Peter. She continues to pursue her passion in aviation by managing fuel sales for corporate jets and her husband operates airports in Massachusetts, Maine, and Florida.
The couple was married on Vinalhaven Island in Maine on Aug. 11 by Bainbridge neighbor Joth Davis.
They reside in Boston and West Bath, Maine.