No doubt this will be greeted by Rep. Jay Inslee’s opponents with some derision, but the fact remains our current member of Congress is both an asset and an investment.
Those who know something about Congress and other legislative bodies are aware of the importance of seniority in developing and moving legislation.
It’s also valuable to have a representative who will be heard on issues, including matters that may be of personal interest to constituents.
In my own fairly lengthy background in Washington,D.C., it has not mattered much what party a member belonged to but how effective he or she could be on key issues.
Moreover, it would be unrealistic that constituents always agree with the persons they voted into office.
What is more important is the fact they can access that person directly or indirectly through his or her staff.
So experience, longevity and seniority combine to make Rep. Inslee the kind of asset we need in these complicated times.
Other pretenders to the First District seat will be years in development no matter how sincere they may be.
Finally, as the usual mudslinging promoters do their worst in this coming election, they will be hard pressed to find anything but partisan propaganda with which to attack Inslee the candidate and the family man.
Joseph J. Honick
Olympus Beach Road