To the editor:
I enthusiastically support Phil Cook for assessor and would encourage other voters to do so as well.
I have known Phil for many years and he has always been a common sense, solutions-oriented person to work with. His clients, me included, have always appreciated his commitment to putting our needs first and getting honest answers to questions. When he brings that same approach to local government Kitsap County will benefit.
Phil will bring a perspective to the office that does not align with the government establishment. For nearly 16 years the assessor’s office has been served by those coming from a background in government and I want a “fresh perspective” with new ideas. Someone that has worked in real estate is the most logical choice to me, as they are going to understand the perspective so much better than another government insider. I am tired of the same bureaucratic approach that we have all grown accustomed to from our government. We deserve better.
I look forward to seeing Kitsap County government go in a different direction in 2015. With people like Phil Cook offering to stand up and bring our perspective to the assessor’s office, I know we will see it. Vote for Phil Cook for Kitsap County Assessor.
Port Orchard