BAC Goes Botanical: Plants offer rich possibilities to artists, a huge range of beautiful structures and colors, as well as an endless source of ideas and metaphors. In June, BAC artists explore botanical imagery in paintings, prints, photography, glass, and ceramics. The show runs June 6 – July 1; don’t miss a talk from 4-5:30 p.m. June 26 by Susan Bird Olds on “Decoding the Blossom: Flower Symbolism in Art History.” Admission: $15. Info: 842-3132.


BAC Goes Botanical: Plants offer rich possibilities to artists, a huge range of beautiful structures and colors, as well as an endless source of ideas and metaphors. In June, BAC artists explore botanical imagery in paintings, prints, photography, glass, and ceramics. The show runs June 6 – July 1; don’t miss a talk from 4-5:30 p.m. June 26 by Susan Bird Olds on “Decoding the Blossom: Flower Symbolism in Art History.” Admission: $15. Info: 842-3132.

Friends of Tom Ritchie: Seeking stories and/or remembrances for a documentary being made by Tom Ritchie’s daughter. Contact Meghan Ritchie, (347) 218-2971 or

BITV Summer Camps: Bainbridge Island Television’s exciting summer camps include Kids Animation, Teen Filmmaking, Kid’s Broadcasting and TV Fusion. Completed projects will air on BITV! Also, those interested in TV journalism can learn how to report, write, shoot and edit your own segment, possibly appearing on BITV News this summer. Summer classes are filling up fast! Info: or 780-2980.

Maureen Bydalek: Original work by artist and personal trainer Maureen Bydalek is now on display at Bainbridge Athletic Club, 11700 Meadowmeer Circle. The show is “Mood swings” – a lot of moods, a lot of paint, changing direction and finding a new balance between art and fitness. Info: 842-5661.

KiDiMu Summer Camps: Kids Discovery Museum offers a variety of summer camps for children ages 3-10, featuring music, science, cooking, literacy, theater and imaginary play adventures. By popular demand, registration for a Dinosaur Camp, “Dino Dig,” has opened for Aug. 12 – 15. Sign up now; camps are filling up quickly. Info: 855-4650.

Computer Classes: Free computer classes will be offered at the Bainbridge Public Library in June. Internet 101 will be held from 2-3:30 p.m. June 10. Designed for the novice, this hands-on class gives you the skills to begin navigating the Web. E-mail Open Lab will be held from 10-11:30 p.m. June 17. Library volunteers can help you tackle the basics of using email in this open lab. Internet 201 will be offered from 10-11:30 a.m. June 24. Designed for the experienced computer user, the hands-on class provides search strategies for getting reliable information on the Web. Info: 842-4162.

Summer Music Camps: Island Music Guild is now taking registration for its summer music camps: Piano Camp, July 7-11; Chamber Camp Aug. 4-8; and Rock Camp Aug. 11-15. Registration: 780-6911. Info:

Flower Portraits: In celebration of spring, Madoka Restaurant presents an exhibit of flower portraits by local artist Stephen Stolee. Featuring vibrant impressions of flowers found in random perambulations around the island, the show will hang through June. Info: 842-8284.

Furrytale Camp: Furrytale Farm will hold a series of week-long summer camp sessions to help kids ages 9-14 learn what it means to take responsibility for an animal. They’ll learn to feed, clean, groom, medicate, rehabilitate, and communicate, and help reduce abuse. Sessions run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 7-11, July 14-18, July 21-25, July 28-Aug. 1, Aug. 4-8, Aug. 11-15, Aug. 18-22 and Aug. 25-29 at the farm, 7988 Lovgreen Rd. Cost: $200 per session. Info/registration: 842-1944.

Grand Old Fourth: Street Fair, parade and classic car show applications for Bainbridge Island’s Grand Old Fourth of July Celebration are now available at the Chamber of Commerce office, 590 Winslow Way, or online at This year’s parade theme is Celebrating the Fabulous 1950s. Contact: Elizabeth Gadbois, 842-3700 or (206) 819-3618.

Chinese Mandarin Lessons: Doing business with or traveling to China? Or just wish to learn a beautiful language? Offered by nonprofit organization Bainbridge Mandarin Learning Center and taught by native Chinese speaking teachers. Adult lessons are offered from 7-8:30 p.m. Mondays at Hyla Middle School. Info: 842-3928,

Tuesday Cruise-In: The second annual car cruise-in will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the First Baptist Church parking lot, intersection of SR-305 and Madison Avenue. BBQ will be available. Come even if you don’t have a car! All donations benefit Helpline House’s Project Backpack. Information: or Jim Peek, (206) 817-5879.

Volunteer at KiDiMu: The Kids Discovery Museum offers opportunities for adults and teenagers 14 and older to assist with special events, summer camps, day-to-day operations and more. Short-term and long-term commitments are welcome. Make friends, make a difference, help the kids and get experience for your college application or just for fun! Info: 855-4650 or

Ring of Life: The Gallery at Grace presents “Ring of Life,” new works in pen and ink by Elizabeth Reed Smith. The show will be up through June 30 at Grace Episcopal Church, 8595 Day Rd. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 8 a.m. to noon Sunday and by appointment. Info:

Karaoke Saturdays: Karaoke has moved to 7-11 p.m. Saturday nights at the Mud Puddle Coffee House. Enjoy singing your favorite songs in a non-alcoholic atmosphere. Over 1,000 music selections, from the 1930s through today including children’s and Spanish songs. Fun for the whole family. Info: 780-8844.

Race for the Cure: For the 14th consecutive year, Town and Country will sponsor the all-community “Team T & C” for the Race for the Cure, to be held on June 21 at Qwest Field. Funds are raised at a grassroots level in the effort to improve detection, treatment and scientific study in the eradication of breast cancer. 75 percent of funds raised remain in the Puget sound area. On-site sign-ups will be held from 11-3 p.m. June 6-7 at T & C and Central Market. The event is family friendly and open to walkers and runners of all ages, shapes and sizes. Contact: Kay Jensen,

Relay Volunteers: Relay for Life of Bainbridge Island needs volunteers to help at this year’s event, to be held July 19 and 20. We can use your talents. Contact: Terri at or 842-8633. Also visit our Web site at

Russian Oils: The work of Russian painter Yuri Volkov is on display now at Director’s Gallery, 126 Madrone Lane. Volkov, widely collected throughout Russia and Europe, stayed on Bainbridge for four months and during that time produced island- and Seattle-inspired oils. Info: 842-6000.

BI Junior Football: Fall 2008 registration is currently under way for BI Junior Football. Open to children grades 2-8. Program highlights, fees: Deadline: June 30.

Peace Vigil: Women in Black stand silently for peace every Friday evening from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. on the southwest corner of 305 and Winslow Way near the Chamber of Commerce. We wear dark, not necessarily black, clothes and hold a candle or flower, which we’ll provide. Contact: Beverley West, 842-5400.

Saturday 7

Farmers Market: Only on Bainbridge can you do your weekly shopping and have a chat with the mayor. Meet her at the Bainbridge Farmers Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 7 in the town square near City Hall. Lettuce is in its prime and spinach is abundant. Pea vines and garlic spears are appearing. And the farmers will be glad to give you cooking tips. Info:

Learn to Row: Bainbridge Island Rowing will participate in National Learn to Row Day. Stop by at Eagle Harbor Park from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 7 for a taste of what rowing is all about. Bring water shoes. Boats go out roughly every hour. Info: 780-1833.

ACS Garage Sale: The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life will hold a neighborhood garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 7 and 8 along the Point Monroe Drive sand spit. Great stuff, great walk, great time. Overflow parking at Fay Bainbridge State Park. Contact: Connie Golon, 842-4096.

Weed Warriors: Bainbridge High School students join forces with Weed Warriors to beautify the trail from Waterfront Park to the ferry and also the area near the fence surrounding the old gas station. Meet from 10 a.m. to noon June 7; park in the lot across from the Senior Center on Brien Drive. Bring gloves and clippers. Service credit and extra credit for students. Info: 855-0911 or

Mark Lovejoy: New work by Mark Lovejoy, “Photographs Strange and Different,” will hang June 7-July 6 at Arts Studio/Gallery, 7869 Fletcher Bay Rd., with an opening potluck from 5-8 p.m. June 7. Open by appointment, 842-1294 or 842-1606.

Saturday Night Safari: Ovation! Musical Theatre Bainbridge invites the community to share in its fifth anniversary celebration at its first annual fun-raising event, Saturday Night Safari – Singers Gone Wild!, at 7:30 p.m. June 7 at the Bainbridge Commons. Fabulous food from Three Wells Catering, entertainment, silent auction and more. Cash bar available. Safari attire optional. Advance tickets are $50 ($65 at the door) and are available at Winslow Drug or online at Info: 842-0472 or

The EDGE: Loosen up and get ready to laugh! The EDGE Improv performances are filled with spontaneous hilarity for everyone. See them at 7:30 p.m. June 7. Tickets: $15/$10, at 842-8569. Info:

PEGASUS TUNES: Bret Philips and Jon Wesley play at 7:30 p.m. June 7 at Pegasus Coffee House. Suggested donation: $5. Information: 842-6725,,

Sunday 8

History Potluck: The Bainbridge Island Historical :Society will hold its annual summer potluck at noon June 8 at the museum grounds, 215 Ericksen Ave. Free. All are invited: old-timers, newcomers and everyone in between. Bring a dish and stories to share, and learn about your Bainbridge home. Info: 842-2773 or

Declassified Series: Hear “Music From Britain & America” at the next Declassified Chamber Concert, at 3 p.m. June 8 at Bainbridge Performing Arts. Gifted young Island musicians join older colleagues in a program of works by Elgar, Bridge, Copland, Gottschalk, Rzewski and Fine. The multi-media “prelude” to the two sections of the program will be presentations of Benjamin Britten’s “Night-Piece” and Aaron Copland’s “Midday Thoughts,” co-produced with Video Artist Steven Fogell and students from West Sound Academy. Tickets: $10 at 842-8569. Info:

OPEN MIC: All ages and styles welcome for songs, instrumentals, poems, and readings at MCR Open Mic, 7-9:30 p.m. June 8 and every Sunday at Pegasus Coffee House. A piano is available. Hosted by Rick Barrenger. Info:

Monday 9

Macbeth Auditions: “Something wicked this way comes…” Bainbridge Performing Arts auditions for “Macbeth” will be held from 5:30-8:30 p.m. June 9 and 10 at BPA. Steven Fogell directs this tale of a possessed king. Prepare one 1½ – 2-minute Shakespeare monologue and bring a head shot or a current picture. Request an audition slot with Deirdre McCollom at, (206) 714-5766.

Masons: Renton Lodge #29, F&AM, will hold a regular stated meeting on June 9 at the Masonic Hall, directly across the street from Bainbridge High School. This will be our annual “informal dress” night (no tuxedos) with a picnic style dinner at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Masons are cordially invited; along with men interested in knowing more about Masonry. Families are also encouraged to attend our dinners. Contact: Bill Biscomb, 842-6905.

Tuesday 10

OSC: The Open Space Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. June 10 in the Council Chamber Conference Room, City Hall. Agenda includes report on trail easements in progress; discussion for the sale of surplus properties; report on the Open Space Survey; land use code revision – OSC role and involvement; 2008 work plan; and final report update. Info: 842-2545 or

Wednesday 11

BIRW: Bainbridge Island will welcome Rob McKenna, the Attorney General for Washington State, as guest speaker at 11:30 a.m. June 11 at Wing Point Golf and Country Club. Cost of the luncheon is $15. Both men and women guests in the community are invited. Reservations: 842-8420.

VIP: Visually Impaired Persons of Bainbridge will meet from 1-3 p.m. June 11 at the Bainbridge Public Library. Julie Stone from the Housing Resources Board will speak about the Independent Living Program. We’ll also hear reports from last month’s Senior Fair. Info/transportation: 842-3551.

City Council: The Bainbridge Island City Council will hold a regular meeting at 6 p.m. June 11 in Council Chambers, City Hall. Agenda includes Res. 08-15, Declaration of Suzuki Property as Surplus and Authorize Sale; Wing Point Way Alternative Selection and Winslow Way Reconstruction Project; Heery International Contract for Design Reconciliation; Historic Preservation Commission Re-appointments; Res. 07-19 Amending Budget Calendar for 2009 Budget Process; Trust for Public Lands Conservation Survey; and First Reading of Ord. 08-11, Amending Biennial Budget Process. Info: Roz Lassoff, City Clerk, 780-8624,

Thursday 12

Understanding Mental Health: Learn more about mental illness at the Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers’ spring training, from 10 a.m. to noon June 12 at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church. Presenters will be Dean Lierle and Nancy Sias of Helpline House. Info/registration: 842-4441 or

Good Yarn: Join the library knitting and needlework group from 7-9 p.m. June 12 and the second Thursday of each month at the Bainbridge Public Library. Bring your work in progress. We look at new knitting books, and discuss what we’ve been reading, too. Info: 842-4162.

Friday 13

Streetscape Update: Join city staff and members of the BI Downtown Association for an update on the Winslow Way Streetscape Design and project plan, at 8 a.m. June 13 at Council Chambers, City Hall. Info: 780-3718 or

Music at Minimu: In June the Kids Discovery Museum presents Musical Fridays for the youngest visitors. Enjoy a Minimu Sing Along with Linda Slater at 10:45 a.m. June 13. Families can enjoy live music and everybody’s favorite songs. Recommended ages: 18 mos. –5 years. Music Camp Registration available after class. Included with all-day admission. Info: 855-4650 or

Inlaws and Outlaws: The award-winning film “Inlaws and Outlaws” will be screened at 7 p.m. June 13 at the Lynwood Theatre, with additional screenings at 5 p.m. June 14 and 15. It is a beautiful and moving film about loving relationships, told by real couples in our area. The director will be on hand to talk about the film. Sponsored by Cedars Unitarian Universalist Church. Info:

Coming Up

America’s Boating Course: The Coast Guard Auxiliary will offer its next America’s Boating Course from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 14 at the Bainbridge Island Commons Kalgren Room, 402 Brien Dr. This course offers recreational boaters a variety of boating information and instruction including safety equipment, boat handling, trailering and federal and state requirements for boating. $35 registration fee covers materials. Registration/information: Grant Winther, 842-5862.

Berry Good Benefit: Team Yeomalt will hold a rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 14 in the Berry Shed atop Strawberry Hill, 7566 High School Rd. To benefit the Konzak Cancer Challenge Fund and the Park Foundation’s Yeomalt Cabin Fund. Donations taken Tuesday through Friday from noon to 5 p.m. or by appointment. Info: 842-4164.

Ikebana: Aiko Ii will teach Japanese flower arranging (ikebana) from 10 a.m. to noon June 14 at the Senior Community Center, 370 Brien Dr. Contact: Barbie Brooking, (360) 297-2901.

Seabold Second Saturday: This month we’re all-acoustic open mic. Gather on June 14 at the Seabold Community Club. Sign-up is from 6:30-7 p.m.; songs begin at 7:30 p.m. Donation: $5, with performers and kids free. Directions:

Saturday Dance: Dance with Educated Feet from 7:30-10:30 p.m. June 14 at Island Center Hall, 8395 Fletcher Bay Rd. A salsa workshop will take place from 7:30-8:15 p.m. followed by DJ’d swing, salsa, blues, ballads, WC, hustle and ballroom. Cost: $10/$5. Info:

Field’s End: At the next Field’s End Writers’ Roundtable, Sheila Rabe explores “What makes a book funny?” Meet at 7 p.m. June 17 at the Bainbridge Public Library. Info: www.fieldsendorg.

Orphanage Update: Mama Zipporah, founder of the Huruma Children’s Home orphanage in the Ngong Hills of Kenya, will offer a presentation about the 145-orphan facility from 3-5 p.m. June 15 at Island Center Hall. The reception will include slides, videos, discussion, song and refreshments. Information: 842-2905.

Chamber Luncheon: At the next Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Steve Bauer, a Kitsap Commissioner, will discuss the goals and aspirations of the Puget Sound Partnership. The luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. June 18 at the Wing Point Golf & Country Club. Cost: $15. Registration and information: 842-3700.

Intimacy Over 50: Hear “The Real Truth About Intimacy and Sexuality for Women Over 50” at 1 p.m. June 18 at the Commons, 402 Brien Drive. Presenter Leah Kliger will dispel commonly held myths and reveal the realities of mature women’s sexuality during this interactive session. Free. Co-sponsored by Virginia Mason Clinic. Pre-register online at the Bainbridge Island Parks and Recreation Web site, Activity #466001-01.

Board Game Night: Bring a game to share or play one of ours at Board Game Night, from 6:30-8 p.m. June 19 at the Bainbridge Public Library. All ages welcome. Info: 842-4162.

Genealogy: The Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society will meet from 10 a.m. to noon June 20 at the Bainbridge Public Library. The workshop will focus on using electronic resources to support genealogical research. Visitors are welcome and mentors are available. Info: or 842-6059.

Day of Mindfulness: Enjoy a day of mindfulness with Rodney Smith, guiding teacher of Seattle Insight Meditation Society, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 21 at Seabold Hall, 14451 Komedahl Rd. The day will include teachings, sitting and walking meditation and opportunities to ask questions about meditation practice. A vegetarian lunch will be provided. Suggested donation: $10 – $20. Info: (360) 930-8900 or

Photo-Etching Class: Richard Nelson will lead a photo-etching workshop from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 21 at the Creativity Center, 9463 Business Park Lane. Discover how to transform any image into an etching without the use of harsh chemicals. Cost: $185. All skill levels welcome; class size limited to 8. Registration/information:

Island Theatre: Island Theatre presents a reading of Edward Albee’s “A Delicate Balance” at 7:30 p.m. June 21 and 22 at the Bainbridge Public Library. The performance is free. Info:

Read to a Dog: School age children are invited to read to dog at 10:30 a.m. June 23 and 30 at the Bainbridge Public Library. The dogs are real, and they’re really friendly. Information: 842-4162.

Reading Friends: Preschoolers and their families are invited to drop by to hear stories read by the library’s Reading Friends. Meet from 10:30-11:30 a.m. June 24 at the Bainbridge Public Library. Info: 842-4162.

Student Dance Performance: Bainbridge Dance Center presents its 27th annual student performance June 24-28 at Bainbridge Performing Arts, featuring original choreographic works by BDC instructors and showcasing more than 200 students, ages 4-18. Performances are at 7 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday @ and 2 p.m. Tickets: $16/$12, at 842-8569.

After Hours: The Chamber of Commerce’s June After Hours will be held from 5:30-8 p.m. June 26 at Edna’s Beach Cafe, 4734 Lynwood Center Rd. Public welcome. No reservations necessary. Info: 842-3700.

Garth Stein: Area novelist Garth Stein will present his new book, “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” at 7:30 p.m. June 26 at Eagle Harbor Book Co. Free and open to the public. Info:

Andre Dubus: West Sound Reads (formerly Kitsap Reads) presents Andre Dubus, author of “House of Sand and Fog,” discussing his latest work, “Garden of Last Days,” at 7 p.m. June 27 at Island Center Hall. Information: 842-4162.

Hank and Patsy: Rick Barrenger brings you the 4th annual Hank Williams/Patsy Cline Tribute Festival featuring local bands doing all your favorite songs. The festival runs from 5-10 p.m. June 28 in the Barn at Hazel Creek Farm on Koura Road. Admission: $10/$5. Info: 842-5485 or

Backyard Habitat Fair: Enjoy family-friendly activities at this free event from noon to 4 p.m. June 29 at IslandWood, 4450 Blakely Ave. We’ll have storytime, demonstration bee hive, the Bat Man, and more. Snacks provided. Contact: Bobbie, 842-5955.

Families on the EDGE: BPA’s second annual Theatre School benefit FUNdraiser, Families on the EDGE!, will be held at 5 p.m. June 29 at BPA. This family-friendly event will feature summer fare from Mike’s Four Star Barbecue and a kid-friendly raffle and mini-auction. The evening’s festivities will also include entertainment by The EDGE Improv. Tickets: $50/$25, at 842-8569. Information:

Bainbridge in Bloom: Mark you calendars now: the 20th annual Bainbridge in Bloom takes place July 11-13. July 11 is Patron Day, offering new highlights this year. Watch for special interest garden tours: photography in the garden, taught by a professional photographer; and more. This will be the last summer their garden will be open to the public, so don’t miss your chance to see it. Details and ongoing updates:

Batik Workshop: Nia Fliam and Agus Ismoyo will lead a two-day intensive batik workshop from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 12-13 at the Creativity Center, 9463 Business Park Lane, with a public presentation from 7-9 p.m. July 10, also at the center. Nia Fliam and Agus Ismoyo will introduce you to the tradition and technique of this ancient art form as they show you how to create your own vibrant detailed cloth. All supplies and equipment are included. Cost: $350. Info/registration:

Watercolor Workshop: Carole Hillsbery teaches “Watercolor on-the-Go!” from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 19 and 20 at the Creativity Center, 9463 Business Park Lane. Students will create completed watercolors from on-location sketches. Discover exciting new shapes, concepts and designs! Day one, do quick studies outdoors, sketching with contour line and ink. Day two, in the studio, add watercolor using sketches from the previous day. Create excitement and drama with new color combinations, layering techniques, rich saturated washes, glazing and negative shape painting. Fun and lively critique at the end. Cost: $230. Info/registration: