To the editor:
This letter is addressed to home owners on Manitou Beach Drive. You are fortunate to live in a beautiful place with amazing views of Puget Sound, a fact makes it all the harder to understand why so many of you think it’s OK to dump your yard waste in the Sound.
Whether it’s the young man I observed throwing grass clippings down the bluff on the one way section, those of you who place piles of yard waste on the bluff — killing the plants that hold the soil in place and encouraging further erosion, or those of you who leave yard waste on top of the rock bulkhead waiting for the next winter storm to wash it into the Sound, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
This is not acceptable behavior – even if you put a sign next to your pile of twigs labeled “Free firewood.”
This is obvious to most of us, yet even after the city posted “No dumping” signs and sent each homeowner a letter last summer, many of you persist in this activity.
Please, take responsibility for your yard waste like most islanders do: by composting it on your property, using a yard waste bin from Bainbridge Disposal, or taking it to one of the island facilities that accept yard waste.
Bainbridge Island