To the editor:
I often read the letters to the editors, and over the years have always read with interest the letters from Gene Bullock. I always actually wonder do my neighbors aligned with the Democratic Party actually believe his negative portrayal of Republicans Gene always gives with his views.
For instance, in a letter recently Gene Bullock says that conservatives are “prejudice and paranoid,” that they are “gullible” and being used in a “covert agenda” to take over the country, to bankrupt us.
So when Gene writes a letter endorsing a candidate as he did recently with Rep. Hansen, does Rep. Hansen believe those negatives also?
Gene has been quite the alarmist in regard to promoting a fear of a coming theocracy and slurring what is called the religious right. Republicans being against the environment even.
I guess Gene making it so local always has made it appear more derogatory. The favorable new view of Gene Bullock’s and those with Evangelical beliefs that he shared acknowledging Rep. Hansen’s religious beliefs was interesting. Evangelical beliefs actually have a diverse voting record and have more value and deserve more respect based on more then a couple of political viewpoints, Gene.
Rep. Hansen’s use of Jesus to come out against traditional marriage was a little concerning to many regardless of faith. People of faith and non both share the importance of two genders as the primary standard in marriage, putting Jesus on one side or the other promotes religion, not faith.
Jesus is non-partisan.
Rep. Hansen has been endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood. Choice is one thing, NARAL wants us all to pay for it. We have more important policies and issues needing our attention than giving Planned Parenthood extra dollars.
Rep. Hansen does not get my vote.
We have serious funding problems in this state, caused by too much spending and not enough revenue. We have to curtail the spending, and reform a better way of revenue that encourages job growth, not limits it.
Please consider voting for Rob McKenna this November with a Republican House and Senate to support his efforts.