Bainbridge Police reported the following incidents:
April 16
10:28 a.m. A man reported his wallet stolen from the Winslow Wharf.
The man told police that he went to the wharf (the day before) and left his wallet in the car with the doors unlocked. When he returned, the wallet was gone.
Several credit and debit cards were left inside the wallet at the time of the theft. The man called all of his credit agencies and suspended the accounts.
Police have no suspects.
April 17
9:45 a.m. A woman reported three of her small cherry trees being de-limbed over night.
Police spoke with the woman after talking to the head of the neighborhood association about a rash of tree vandalism in the area.
The woman’s neighbors told her that they saw three or four kids between the ages of 11 and 14 lurking in the neighborhood throughout the night. They saw the kids messing with the trees around 11 p.m.
The woman placed the cost of replacing the trees at $600.
Police have no suspects.
April 18
6:15 p.m. A woman called to report that she didn’t approve of her former daughter-in-law slamming a door in her face while dropping off a child.
The woman acts as the go-between for the exchange of the child of her son and his ex-wife. While returning the child to the woman, the ex-wife got into an argument with her and slammed the door in her face.
The woman wasn’t assaulted or threatened by the ex-wife, but she didn’t like her behavior, especially in front of the child.
An officer told the woman that no crime was committed, so there was nothing he could do. He said he would document the information in case any further issues arose.
April 19
8:34 a.m. A woman’s mailbox was damaged by an unknown object.
A few days prior, the woman went outside to get her mail and observed that the box had been battered.
Police visited the site and noticed the box remained standing and still worked. The woman said her husband had done his best to repair the dents, but a number of them remained visible.
The woman had no information on a suspect or a suspect’s vehicle, but she wanted to report the incident in case something similar happened to neighbors. Police said no other calls were received.
Police have no suspects.