We’re glad to see that a lot of attention is being paid to the upcoming vote on the school bond, as we think it is an important issue. As parents of children in Bainbridge private schools, we won’t gain much of a direct benefit, but helping the schools helps everyone.
Bainbridge Island has long enjoyed the reputation of some of the best schools in Washington and we’ve all benefited from that in our increased property values. Bainbridge remains a place where people want to live, and our island is a better place when we can continue to attract families with small children.
One important thing to consider is that the existing bond is expiring, meaning that when this is passed, there will be no increase in our tax burden. In effect, we’re simply extending our current investment in the community, not taking on new taxes.
Bainbridge has long been a leader in education and with the plans for Wilkes that are on the books we also have the opportunity to be a leader in “green” energy efficient schools. That sends a great message to the community and to our children.
Anytime we put off investing in ourselves and our community, it only ends up costing us more in the long run. So please join us and vote “yes” on the school bond issue.
Darren and Lynn Smith
Bainbridge Island