Bainbridge council schedules special meeting for SMP

The conversation over Bainbridge Island's Shoreline Master Program is far from over. And now, it's time for the city council to take the rewrite under review.

The conversation over Bainbridge Island’s Shoreline Master Program is far from over. And now, it’s time for the city council to take the rewrite under review.

The council has scheduled a special meeting for 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 22 at city hall to discuss the shoreline plan.

The city’s planning commission spent approximately 10 months reviewing the shoreline master program. They even added additional and extended meetings to their regular schedule to accomplish the task.

The updated program, with the planning commission’s recommendations, is now in the hands of the city council. Issues regarding buffer zones, non-conforming structures, and homeowner rights versus environmental responsibility remain at the forefront of citizens’ concerns.