City seeks comments on Cave Avenue project | Letters | March 12

The Cave Neighborhood Community Council has watched the construction and controversy about the Island Gateway Project; we chose not to take a position on this development, though it certainly impacts our downtown neighborhoods. Many Bainbridge residents seemed unaware of the city permitting process for the project until ground was broken.

Our Community Council wants to be sure this doesn’t happen with another downtown development project – directly across the highway from the Island Gateway – that is now seeking city permits.

This project proposes 20 homes adjacent to State Route 305, directly south of the Winslow Ravine (and the iron pedestrian and bike bridge that spans the ravine). When you drive down the highway, picture the forest south of the iron bridge; that’s where the development is proposed.

Comments on the proposed application and SEPA environmental review of the Tawresey Cave Avenue Subdivision proposal are due to the city by March 19.

Whether you support or oppose this proposed development, this is your chance to be heard.

Email city planner Heather Beckmann at or call her at 842-2552.

David Ward, chairman

Cave Neighborhood Community Council