Re-elect those who voted for health care | Letters | June 25

This is in recognition of the excellent accomplishments and hard work of our congressional delegation, as well as setting the record straight.

Rep. Jay Inslee, and Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, succeeded in passing some landmark legislation, despite the constant drumbeat of misinformation by the opposition.

I am tired of the shopworn phrases – Tax and Spend Democrats, and Obama Care – by those in Congress and elsewhere that seem unable to offer solutions, but simply vote and say “no.”

A prime example is the Affordable Care Act, which provides families increasing quality of health care and greater savings.

Despite the flaws included by amendments of the opposition, this goal of several decades is finally a reality. It’s a stepping stone to providing affordable healthcare to all.

As of now, Care Act will assure more accountability so that you, your family, your doctor of choice — not insurance companies – will have greater control over your health care.

Our congressional delegation voted “yes,” while the Republicans and Blue-Dog Democrats voted “no.”

There are many immediate benefits to our health such as: more affordable prescription drugs; free preventive care, including colorectal cancer screening, annual physicals, mammograms; and improvements in Medicare Advantage.

You will have better access to health care and better chronic care.

The old Medicare plan paid insurance companies $1,000 or more per patient, paid for by increased premiums to Medicare beneficiaries. This has been corrected.

Folks with pre-existing conditions (children now, adults in 2014) can no longer be denied insurance by insurance companies and young people can stay on their family plans to age 26.

Spouses of people receiving home and community care through Medicaid will no longer be forced into poverty.

Also, remember to rely on trusted sources, i.e., 1-800-Medicare, for accurate information, rather than those talk-show hosts and naysayers that spew out confusing lies and half-truths while offering no solutions.

Please reward the hard work of our congressional delegation by re-electing Inslee, Murray and Cantwell. They deserve it.

Bob Burkholder

Bainbridge Island