City attorney’s opinion is a conflict of interest | Letters | Oct. 7

In Jessica Hoch’s article (“Civil Service Dispute Persists,” Sept. 30), Ms. Hoch reports that the Ethics Board found the facts in Ms. Hendrickson’s complaint to the City Council, concerning a violation of the state’s Open Public Meeting Act, to be “credible.”

In Jessica Hoch’s article (“Civil Service Dispute Persists,” Sept. 30), Ms. Hoch reports that the Ethics Board found the facts in Ms. Hendrickson’s complaint to the City Council, concerning a violation of the state’s Open Public Meeting Act, to be “credible.”

City Attorney Jack Johnson, however, offered a legal opinion stating that two commissioners did not violate the state’s Open Public Meeting Act when they met with City Manager Brenda Bauer and himself.

Ordinarily it would seem to be appropriate for the city attorney to weigh in on this issue.

However, under the circumstances it seems Mr. Johnson is not in a position to offer a legal opinion in this matter due to the fact that he was one of the individuals named in Ms. Hendrickson’s complaint.

Mr. Johnson seems to have an obvious conflict of interest which renders him unqualified to offer a legal opinion in this dispute.

Having been named in Ms. Hendrickson’s complaint and with his scheduled departure from his position as city attorney by the end of this month, it may have been more prudent for Mr. Johnson to have recused himself in this matter.

Bob Seaby

Bainbridge Island