It’s time to address our limited resource | Letters | Feb. 27


It seems the minority folks on the City Council, that object to just about everything, are now beginning to change their tune with regard to budget cuts, claiming they didn’t know what the budget reductions they advocated so vigorously, contained.

The most recent water study conducted by the city is more than a “shot across the bow.” It’s more like a direct hit and we better take heed.

Salt water intrusions are an ever increasing problem with shallow wells and once this process begins it’s already too late to reverse it. Even more frightening, deep aquifers are being mined by almost 50 percent (i.e., Island Utility Well 1 which supplies Eagledale and Eagle Harbor’s south shore. How much more evidence do we need to take action?

For years, many of us have said we should err on the side of caution when planning for future growth and have, among other actions, strongly advocated for a Sole Source Water Designation since Bainbridge Island’s water resources are limited to rainfall similar to that of Vashon and Whidbey Island.

Perhaps the current recession has a silver lining. The market place is doing for us what we are unable (politically) to do for ourselves – limit development to that which is sustainable. Have we finally learned our lesson? Can we save this damaged ship or will we revert back, allowing our individual greed to dictate our future?

Bob L. Burkholder

Madison Avenue