Bainbridge Island Review Letters to the Editor | Oct. 22 (cont’d.)

Thank you Backpacks a success Thank you all who contributed to our eighth annual back-to-school fund-raising effort, Project Backpack. As donations were down this year from previous years, we especially want to thank Jim Peek, who sponsors and organizes the Classic Car Cruise-In at the Baptist Church; he brought in the most significant portion of our funding.

Thank you

Backpacks a success

Thank you all who contributed to our eighth annual back-to-school fund-raising effort, Project Backpack.

As donations were down this year from previous years, we especially want to thank Jim Peek, who sponsors and organizes the Classic Car Cruise-In at the Baptist Church; he brought in the most significant portion of our funding.

We’d like to recognize the BHS Class of 1958, which made a sizable contribution, as well as our corporate sponsors: Kiwanis Club of Bainbridge Island, Bell and Thompson, Montrose Chemical and Steve Mikami (owner of Ace Hardware), who contributed reusable cloth shopping bags.

Windermere Bainbridge once again donated a sizable amount toward back-to-school clothes; a huge help for many families.

We thank all the venues that supported our fund-raising efforts, and the Review for bringing the back-to-school needs to the public’s eye.

And to our ever-charitable faith organizations on the Island. Your ongoing efforts on behalf of Helpline House’s many programs are very much appreciated

We had 169 students receive help from Project Backpack, an increase of more than 10 percent over last year. We extend our heartfelt thanks.

Robin Denis

Project Backpack

Wallet is returned

About six weeks ago I lost my wallet near the City Hall. I was devastated since it contained my driver’s permit, ASB card and a lot of cash.

Recently, while I was at school, a very nice Latino man showed up at my home with my wallet with everything still inside!

My dad answered the door and tried to give him the money as a thank you.

The man did not speak much English and refused to take any money. I don’t know this nice man’s name, but his kindness and honesty has restored my faith in the people of Bainbridge Island.

Muchas gracias por devolviendo mi cartera!

Kelsey Isenman

Sophomore at BHS


Don’t miss the witches

The scariest witches I’ve ever seen are performing in BPA’s current presentation of Macbeth.

Unlike the usual pitiful, misunderstood hags stirring soup off to the side, the witches take center stage with every primary character. We feel that they are not people, but the embodiment of thoughts and emotions coming from the characters. Wherever they move we fear for the mental health of everyone concerned.

Kudos to director Steven Fogell and the stellar cast, which includes many faces that we meet in Winslow.

Cameron Snow

Bainbridge Island