Spikers close out home campaign in style

Tan, Seidl team up to pound home a three-game win over Eastside Catholic. On Senior Night, it was the only way for them to go out. Outside hitter Sabrina Tan and setter Alexa Seidl worked together to score the last two points of the third game to lead the Bainbridge volleyball team to another sweep on Monday. This time, it was the Eastside Catholic Crusaders that were on the other end of the whitewash by scores of 25-21, 25-15 and 25-18.

Tan, Seidl team up to pound home a three-game win over Eastside Catholic.

On Senior Night, it was the only way for them to go out.

Outside hitter Sabrina Tan and setter Alexa Seidl worked together to score the last two points of the third game to lead the Bainbridge volleyball team to another sweep on Monday.

This time, it was the Eastside Catholic Crusaders that were on the other end of the whitewash by scores of 25-21, 25-15 and 25-18.

Seidl had two sets to Tan, who unloaded cannon-like kills to score the 24th and match point in their last game ever at Paski Gymnasium. The two celebrated with their team afterward as hugs were doled out left and right.

Tan wanted to make sure she and Seidl were there to go out in style.

“I was like, ‘Set it to me!’” she said.

“So I made sure I did,” Seidl said.

The win came when the team’s focus was elsewhere, but it was due to Senior Night and a power outage in the gym that forced the JV and C teams to move their games to Woodward before the electricity came back on to allow the Spartans to play on. All of which happened, coincidentally, on a night where there was a full moon out.

“It was kind of a disjointed night, actually,” head coach Julie Miller said. “Given all that, I thought they played pretty well. We knew they were going to be tough.

“We needed to make sure that when we got on the court that we focused and took care of (Catholic) because they can pick it up at any moment.”

Eastside Catholic had their moments as they traded the lead for several points in the first game, and then came back from a 12-6 deficit to go ahead at 16-15 when Tan’s kill was blocked.

But Bainbridge kept it close to go ahead for good at 20-19. Kelcey Dunaway scored match point on a kill.

The Spartans won the second game on a Tan kill at match point, but then couldn’t keep the scrappy Crusaders away as they traded the lead for several points in the beginning of the third game. Eastside Catholic tied it up at 12, but Bainbridge regained the lead at 13 and wouldn’t lose it again.

“I thought we played probably the best right before we lost to Seattle Prep,” Miller said. “I think we’re starting to pick it up again.”

Tan and Seidl said it was hard to stay focused at times while trying not to think about their season-ending match at Bishop Blanchet, but also admitted there were times they felt sentimental being on their home court for their last match.

“At the announcement I was thinking ‘Oh my God, it’s our last, last game,’ but I think I stayed pretty focused,” Tan said.

“It’s been a good three years,” Seidl said. “We’re bummed about leaving, but it’s not devastating. It’s sad because we have to leave our team. We love our team.”

That love, they feel, is the reason behind their success this year.

“We lost so many good seniors last year, and we lost Michelle (Miller) who was our go-to (person),” Seidl said. “To be perfectly honest, I came into this season not very optimistic. But the girls on the team get along so well, and we’ve really come together to make it work.”

“When I first came to tryouts I was shocked, because everyone improved so much during the summer because they played club or summer ball,” Tan said. “There’s no one player that we count on because we count on everyone as a team and that makes us a better team.”

The Spartans (8-1, 13-1) travel to Blanchet to face the Braves for the Mountain Division trophy. The Braves suffered a setback to the Seattle Prep Panthers three games to two on Monday night. Game time is at 6 p.m.