The Bainbridge Island City Council will hold a special meeting beginning at 6 p.m. tonight at City Hall to consider plans for rebuilding Winslow Way from Ericksen Avenue to the highway.
The first hour of the meeting will be devoted to artists’ plans to beautify the “gateway” portion of the street from the highway across the ravine and into downtown Winslow.
The second portion will be to consider alternative designs for the street itself, particularly the area where Bjune Drive enters from the south and Ericksen Avenue from the north.
Two alternatives are on the table. One would add stop signs on Ericksen and prohibit left turns out of Bjune onto Winslow. The other would add a center-turn lane on Winslow Way, but drop the speed limit to 10 m.p.h to assure adequate sight distance.
***New BIB show to tackle shores
Bainbridge Island Broadcasting invites islanders to participate in a StreetWise, a new program that asks questions and gets answers from the city on important issues to the community.
The first episode of Streetwise will address concerns about shoreline regulations. Community members are invited to air their questions on the topic at a public taping session next Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m. June 26 at Winslow Green.
Citizens’ questions will be addressed by city representatives at a later date in a studio setting. The completed first episode will air on channel 6 in mid-August.
For more information about StreetWise and other BIB programming, contact Wendy Johnson at 780-2980 or visit BIB’s website at
***Be on lookout for salmon sites
The city’s Watershed Council is seeking input from the community on where to locate Salmon Watch viewing platforms around the island.
The group is looking for landowners who would be willing to have one of the deck-style platform erected on their property and who would be willing to grant a temporary, seasonal foot-traffic easement for access to the site.
The council is also looking for volunteers to assist with materials and building once the sites are selected.
Individuals who have or know of a great location to watch salmon pass by during spawning season should contact Stephanie Moret at 780-3752.