ISLA DE OMETEPE, NICARAGUA – Complaining about the ferry system ranks high on the list of island conversation topics.
It’s no less so on Ometepe.
Long waits, crowded seats, bad food, unexpected delays…and charging bulls.
Ometepe’s commuters can add a heavy dose of diesel fumes, flooding hulls and occasional rampaging livestock to their list.
A ride on the Wenatchee or Tacoma across Puget Sound is a pleasure cruise compared with a ride on the Ometepe Ferry No. 1, the most modern in a fleet plying Lake Nicaragua from two Ometepe ports.
At least it’s not boring. Ometepe commuters regularly gather around the middle-deck TV set to jeer at talk-show brawls, sip beers on the roof, or, as was the case this week, find themselves with prime seats to watch one of their island’s volcanos pop its top.