Congressman Kilmer: Trump’s budget is ‘irresponsible and unserious’

President Trump’s just released 2018 budget is a job killer that will give tax breaks to the rich, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (D-WA) said Friday.

Kilmer, a 6th District Democrat from Gig Harbor and the Vice-Ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, issued a statement on Trump’s proposed budget.

“This proposal is irresponsible and unserious,” Kilmer said. “It’s irresponsible because of the damage it would do to the folks I represent and to our economy.

“I’m all about jobs. But the Trump budget would hurt our ability to prepare folks for the workforce — cutting financial aid, job training programs, and funding to help kids make it to graduation. His budget blueprint undermines key tools for business growth, cutting the Small Business Administration’s small business loan programs and investments in roads, bridges and wastewater that help our competitiveness.

“The 3,200 people in our region who work in the shellfish industry will be impacted by cuts to Puget Sound funding and clean water programs. Folks on the Olympic Peninsula would be hurt by cuts to the rural ag extension office and by the complete elimination of funding for coastal assistance and support for small, rural airports that are important to our economy,” Kilmer added.

“On top of that, the Trump budget is unserious. It relies on gimmicks — giving a bunch of tax breaks to special interests and the rich and making absolutely no progress in the effort to address our long-term fiscal challenges as a country. I would encourage the President to go back to the drawing board.

“As Vice Ranking Member of the Appropriations Committee I’m going to fight against this proposal and work for a responsible budget that actually addresses our deficit and provides stability for working Americans and their families.”
