Roth can help rebuild confidence in city government | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

I am State Senator (retired) Phil Rockefeller. I’m enthusiastically voting to re-elect Wayne Roth to city council.

As legislator, I championed environmental bills to clean up Puget Sound; to rid the air of climate-changing CO2 from dirty coal-burning power plants in Washington; and to adopt California’s stringent clean car standards. These bills did not just happen. It took respectful listening to concerns of others, consideration of their ideas, and patient seeking of consensus plus reasonable compromises, to get results.

That history is relevant because Wayne shares similar environmental values and follows a similar path to get results as council member. His advocacy for stewardship and sustainability has contributed to a Comprehensive Plan that embeds such values and clears a path for adoption of consistent Codes and enforcement actions.

In the manner of Billie Frank Jr., Wayne looks ahead “seven generations,” to consider what is best for tomorrow’s Island dwellers, as well as today’s residents. This far-sighted vision is vital to efforts to manage the impacts of projected population growth on land use, affordable housing, job opportunities, water resources, transportation and overall quality of life.

To give the city the best possible chance to deal responsibly with growth impacts and protect our fragile Island environment, please join me in returning Wayne for a second term as council member.

His years of management and leadership experience, at NPR and KUOW as well as on the council, will help rebuild public confidence by delivering a more responsive city government.


Bainbridge Island