Candidate embodies civility and respect | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

We have an opportunity to seat an extraordinary young newcomer on our city council: Anthony Oddo. He has studied philosophy, economics, and public policy, and has a master’s degree in public policy from Duke University, all aimed at work in the public sector, where he has been active since graduation. Able to take the long view of an issue instead of seeking a quick fix, he is sincerely committed to the common good.

I met Anthony when we served on the city’s Marine Access Committee, and was immediately impressed by his level-headed approach to controversial issues. Later I learned that he is passionate about affordable and diverse housing options on the island, and currently works for the Housing Resources Board. Anthony recognizes that the threat of climate change must be thoughtfully balanced against human needs and desires. As a member of the land trust, he also supports the preservation of our valued undeveloped spaces.

Another interest of Anthony’s is transportation. He advocates finding solutions to the increasing traffic problems that we all complain about. Efficient, energy-conscious public transportation will be crucial as resources diminish and our own carbon emissions take their toll on our beloved woods and waterways.

Asked about his qualifications, Anthony has said, refreshingly, “I promise to listen.” His impressive résumé aside, he embodies civility and shows a clear respect for everyone in the room. I hope that readers will consider giving this young man an opportunity to help guide Bainbridge Island knowledgeably and wisely into the future.


Bainbridge Island