To the editor:
We are voting for Kevin Fetterly.
Fetterly has good ideas on changes we can make now to lessen climate change, and he will push for aquifer preservation measures.
Kol Medina’s priority is “climate change,” but he has stonewalled even discussion of a green building code, and has not backed solar requirements for new building.
Fiscally, Medina wants to sell Suzuki and donate the taxpayers’ money for affordable housing while borrowing $8 million for the police station. Fetterly supports a responsible budget, including requiring affordable housing in exchange for all density increases at the developer’s, not the taxpayers’, expense. Why is Medina protecting the developers and newcomers who will overcrowd us while draining our aquifers at our expense?
Our last straw with Medina was his abstaining from the fireworks ban vote because his birthday is July 4. Our view? He avoided a potentially unpopular vote in front of the upcoming election. He votes on “affordable housing” issues as a board member of Housing Kitsap, a potential conflict; he should be able to overcome his conflict about fireworks and his birthday. We have had enough finger-in-the-wind “leadership.”
Mr. Medina is part of a voting bloc that votes together to advance a pro-development/growth agenda, so we’re also supporting Sarah Blossom’s opponent, Michael Pollack. Vote for Fetterly!
Bainbridge Island