Film fans gather to watch ‘Lady from ShangHai’

The Island Film Group will meet for a movie at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13 at the Bainbridge Public Library. The group meets on the second Wednesday of the month for free films and discussion.

The Island Film Group will meet for a movie at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13 at the Bainbridge Public Library. The group meets on the second Wednesday of the month for free films and discussion.

This month’s film is “Lady from ShangHai.”

The 1948 thriller from Columbia Pictures was directed by Orson Welles and stars Rita Hayworth, Welles and Everett Sloane.

Fascinated by the gorgeous Mrs. Bannister, seaman Michael O’Hara joins a bizarre yachting cruise and ends up mired in a complex murder plot.