Acknowledgment of good deeds appreciated | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Ms. Price-Mitchell’s letter regarding the publishing of the honor roll by the Review presents an interesting perspective.

To the editor:

Ms. Price-Mitchell’s letter regarding the publishing of the honor roll by the Review presents an interesting perspective.

As the parent of four children who is about to graduate my final child this spring, I cannot disagree more. Our family moved here specifically for the educational opportunities afforded us by this unique community. Having previously lived in a place where material possessions and image are prized above education, our children have been the beneficiaries of a fantastic group of educators and parents who truly care about their mental wellbeing.

Every honor roll that the Review has published has been proudly displayed on our refrigerator regardless of whether our children’s names were on it. The Review has also consistently published the names of many of our children for their achievements in art, sports, music and community service locally and abroad.

If congratulating high achievement and good deeds makes an obviously highly educated professional psychologist “profoundly sad,” perhaps we do need to reevaluate our education system.


Bainbridge Island