Community needs more AFHs, not fewer | Letters | Oct. 21

An Adult Family Home (AFH) is an ordinary residence and legally allowed any place anyone without the need of paid daily assistance would live. To do otherwise is to allow housing discrimination based on age or ability.

Change can be hard in any neighborhood – fear and misinformation foster intolerance and encourage polarizing behaviors. The laws and local codes governing AFH are very clear and speak to the specific needs of people with disabilities and the frail elderly.

We want to encourage the development of more Adult Family Homes in our community in addition to the three that have peacefully coexisted for years on Bainbridge. They are good neighbors providing a caring environment for our friends and family. They make for a healthy community – a common goal for all neighborhoods.

Donna Dahlquist, Helpline House special needs coordinator

Joanne Tews, Helpline House executive director