To the editor:
Words like “snit” to describe Council member David Ward’s questions regarding the chip seal program are an interesting way to treat a public official interested in getting the most information about the spending of our precious tax dollars.
I elect these people to make decisions based on the fullest amount of information they can receive from the staff. If it is not sufficient – they should ask for more. And so they have.
This is nothing whatever to do with a manager/council form of government. It has everything to do with elections and choosing intelligent office holders who will ensure that their votes are based on the fullest review of facts.
Los Angeles Times reported, yesterday, that San Bernardino, a city of more than 205,000 people is filing for bankruptcy. The city attorney reports that for the past 13 of 16 years, the staff has falsified documents that purported to show the city in the black and gave those documents to the city councils.
I like knowing that Dave Ward has my back.
Bainbridge Island