Fellow Democrats distort truth this election | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I recently voted for Bob Scales for Kitsap County Prosecutor.

To the editor:

I recently voted for Bob Scales for Kitsap County Prosecutor.

After considering the experience and qualifications of both Democratic candidates it was obvious that it was time for a change and Bob Scales was the best candidate. During the course of the campaign I fully expected all candidates to stress their qualifications and expand on their opponents short comings. Being both a skeptic and a pragmatist I was still surprised at the disregard for the truth and distortion of facts that not only the incumbent but members of the 23rd Democratic Committee have employed.

Where one might expect members of other political parties to play dirty in support of their candidates it is surprising, inappropriate and in the end counterproductive for this kind of behavior within the membership of the 23rd Legislative District Democratic Committee. Both Board Members and Precinct Coordinating Officers of the 23rd have written that Bob Scales is not a Democrat. Members of the 23rd are even e-mailing that Bob is a Tea Bagger! It is obvious that some within our ranks are fans of FOX news and Republican campaign strategies.

After Aug. 5 when the dust settles the membership and leadership of the 23rd Legislative District Democratic Committee will learn that some of the members neither forgive nor forget and that it will be difficult if not impossible for us to join hands in a kumbaya moment.


Bainbridge Island