Ferries tough on disabled and elderly | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: If you are sick, weak, or disabled, you know how hard — even impossible — it is to go on foot via ferry to and from Seattle.

To the editor:

If you are sick, weak, or disabled, you know how hard —  even impossible — it is to go on foot via ferry to and from Seattle.

My husband is on oxygen and is a frequent traveler to Seattle for medical care. Maybe it’s easier if you have your own wheelchair; I wonder. Chronically ill who need to go to Seattle medical facilities know they must take a car – if they have one and are able to drive, expense be damned.

A trip to the doctor in Seattle with a driver (if you can get one) costs nearly $35, plus parking. Elderly travelers can get help with luggage anywhere in the world except Washington state ferries.

I don’t know what the answers are, but plan to raise these issues at the “ferry listening tour” with WSF and local governmental representatives at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22 at Bainbridge Island City Hall on Madison Avenue.

Join me if you care. For Bainbridge Island’s aging population, these are growing concerns.


Bainbridge Island