Fetterly knows actions are louder than words | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

“We can reduce the 59 percent carbon content of our electricity” by implementing a creative proposal made by Kevin Fetterly, North Ward candidate for city council.

Kevin has identified a unique opportunity for Bainbridge to partner with Puget Sound Energy to both significantly roll back the percentage of our Island’s electricity from fossil fuels and reduce power outages.

How? Together PSE, Washington State Ferries, and our city could build a 3-megawatt community solar facility on a 35-acre surplus city site; the former Vincent Road landfill. This site, in addition to being close to the Winslow substation, is large enough to accommodate grid-scale energy battery storage.

Imagine, a community solar facility that both reduces our carbon (and hydropower) footprint and provides grid benefits for winter back-up and summer peaking. In fact, the energy available would be sufficient to charge the state’s new hybrid ferries.

It’s a win-win. This would open investment and tax credit opportunities for Island residents and businesses, while the city, PSE and the ferries could become long-term customers.

Check out numerous examples of Kevin’s workable solutions for real problems on Kevin’s website at https://www.fetterly4bi.com.

And join me in voting for Kevin Fetterly for city council — an engineer with vision who believes actions speak louder than words.


Bainbridge Island