To the editor:
Bainbridge Families For Fiscal Responsibility is a grassroots movement composed of island citizens who oppose Proposition 1, the so-called “Public Safety Facility” bond measure, that seeks $15 million to build some sort of “campus” adjacent to city hall on toxically–contaminated property.
Bainbridge Families For Fiscal Responsibility does not have a website, nor an email address. It does not receive one penny in funding. BFFFR is simply folks who call Bainbridge Island home — your friends and neighbors, many of whom have lived here for decades.
Many long-term Bainbridge residents feel that the vision for the island has changed dramatically for the worse since the 1990s. A recent example is the “branding” debacle, which I suspect the city hopes will die a quiet death.
Another memorable example is the “angled parking experiment” on Madison, complete with planters of palm trees, which came and went almost overnight. God knows how much THAT cost.
And now, of course, we are stuck with Visconsi, that monstrosity across from Ace hardware.
Supporters of Prop. 1, a PAC calling themselves “Islanders for a Secure Bainbridge,” have a website. A WHOIS search revealed that the registrant of this website is “Perfect Privacy, LLC,” a Florida outfit which enables the true registrant to remain unidentifiable.
Why such secrecy?
One thing we do know is that supporters include our mayor and five other city council members. What is not clear is who stands to benefit financially if this misguided project goes through.
Just Vote NO!
Bainbridge Island