CRT failed
To the editor:
Please, let’s approach our “moral responsibility to undo racism” using critical thinking. We must read Bell, Delgado or Stefancic and be knowledgeable of the background and intent of Critical Race Theory. CRT is theory, based only on supporting assumptions. Advocates incorrectly consider underlying assumptions as fact. Fact and assumption contrary to CRT need not apply.
CRT is a legal precept to mitigate illegal behavior. CRT has gained no legal recognition as a successful defense. CRT regained interest in the 1960s. CRT was never accepted by the Civil Rights movement. CRT is directly contrary to that movement. CRT rejects “Content of character”. Unsuccessful including only black minorities, CRT incorporated other “groups” including, Hispanics, Latinos, LGBTQ, Native Americans and women’s activists, seeking acceptance. CRT does not effectively address different “races” or subgroups. “White” and “Asian” are absent in CRT.
CRT is not history. CRT declares individual life is the direct product of skin color. CRT asserts that “whites” oppress all others. A product of “scholars”, CRT is not debatable. CRT is supported by “narratives,” or stories. CRT applies unique language to “explain” itself. CRT notes liberals are receptive (Progressives even more so) but Conservatives are strongly adverse, without factual basis.
CRT strongly opposes immigrant assimilation. CRT supports minority communities, each retaining language, culture and law of country of origin. After 60 years, CRT has not validated any assumption or any element of CRT. CRT is a failed theory, intended to divide and destroy our nation. We must stop it now.
Jack Hamilton