Vote for Root
To the editor:
After a while every elected official gets stale with no new ideas or fresh perspectives. Believe me, I know, having served the city of Winslow for 14 years. That’s why I’m telling you it’s time to elect Oran Root for Kitsap County commissioner. The incumbent, Charlotte Garrido, has been in office for eight years, and it’s time for a change.
A servant leader, Root promises to prioritize spending on infrastructure, public safety and support services that both protect citizens and provide opportunity for jobs and housing. He is an avid hiker and outdoorsman with a strong commitment to habitat protection and preservation.
Root was born and raised in Kitsap County. He’s a Marine Corps special operations veteran who was a proven leader during his six deployments overseas. Oran is now a small-business owner who knows the difficulties in starting and sustaining a business in this difficult economic environment.
We can count on Oran Root to give fresh energy to the job of Kitsap County commissioner. Vote for fresh energy, judgment and leadership.
Alice Tawresey
former Mayor of Winslow