Letters to the Editor

Support pool

To the editor:

The Bainbridge Island Parks & Recreation District will put a $10 million swimming pool bond up for a vote in August. We should all vote yes for this bond, and here’s why.

The Ray Williamson pool urgently needs electrical, HVAC and other upgrades; making those repairs now offers a rare opportunity to extend the life of this 50+ year-old pool. More importantly, paying for these needed repairs with bond funds, rather than through the park district’s capital improvement budget, means we won’t shortchange other valuable park district facilities like playing fields or tennis and pickleball courts. Finally, the community’s desire to participate in the aquatics center’s many programs is now beyond its capacity. The bond measure gives us the opportunity to add extra lanes to the Ray Williamson pool, helping to meet some of that demand.

This hits me on a personal level. I understand that some kids cannot join the kid’s swim club, BISC, because there is not enough lane space. But 20 years ago, when my daughter was in BISC, every child could participate. Even though my daughter was not a competitive swimmer, she would have lost a lot if she could not have swam with BISC. Participating gave her confidence and a sense of belonging, taught her the value of being part of a team, and offered her regular healthy exercise. These benefits are hard to measure but are very real for the kids in our community.

Sara Tifft


Bees poisoned

To the editor:

We met Bryan at Stedman’s Beekeeping classes many years ago. We failed, he succeeded. Our paths crossed years later, and we found that we were neighbors. Selfishly I asked him to place a couple of his hives on our property. They’d be a boon to our gardens, and he’d have a few colonies nearby. This has been a good deal for many years.

This spring he split the two colonies, introducing queens that he reared into them, and thus made four hives out of two. There were tens and tens of thousands of bees within them. He took two “nucs” with him, and left two in our gardens. A couple of weeks passed with their activity a constant background hum, and their presence buzzing all about.

Then they went quiet. We noticed a palpable absence of bees. We called Bryan to show up. When he opened up his hives he found tens of thousands of bees dead at the bottom of their box, succumbed with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. Poisoned. Somewhere within their three-mile radius of range sprayed poison on their lawn, in their garden.

It’s a shame that we really don’t get the impact of our actions. This was a powerful visual to take in. Surely leaving the weeds unpicked, or unsprayed, is hardly such an image. We can’t win with weeds, they will always grow back. It’s better to accept them and let the wild things be.

If we can help in any way to tread more lightly not using poison is easier to give up on than quitting on the gas.

Dana Speer Rosenbaum

Rolling Bay

Important vote

To the editor:

As our nation enters an important election cycle now is the time to consider what we will be voting for Nov. 5.

Election integrity is a core issue that should unite Americans, but has done the opposite. There is no doubt that emphasizing order and security on election day is of utmost importance. However, maintaining this would not be as difficult and divisive if more accountability is placed upon the candidates to act with integrity and civility.

If voters recognize that a candidate is well-mannered, they will also be more likely to emulate that behavior. This will decrease the likelihood of unrest, and the United States will be able to move forward with cooperation from all sides of the political spectrum.

This change doesn’t have to start in Washington, D.C. Ordinary citizens can help steer the country in the right direction. To do so, voters need to consider what they will be voting for, not just who. Is their candidate composed and able to engage in civil discourse, or do they represent chaos and divisiveness?

If every voter can ponder this, the United States will once again stand proud as a beacon of democracy and freedom for the world to see.

Julian Roger


No globes

To the editor:

Pretty sure people watched putting globes out at the three parks. Out there before 9 a.m. and not one globe was found after asking people if they found even one. What a bust. I got in a great walk, but darn I wish I would’ve found one.

Vicki White
