Letters to the editor

Thanks for apology

To the editor:

I appreciate your posted apology for publishing the opinion piece and cartoon next to the Land Trust ad. You state that you publish opinions that you don’t necessarily agree with. These two “opinion” pieces were cruel – especially the cartoon. I hope you will take seriously that you are a community paper, and that cruelty is not a community value. I would also hope that you would look at whether the writer of a paid opinion piece actually has some expertise in the area about which she is writing. A lawyer is not a biologist or physician with expertise in gender.

I dropped my Review subscription years ago because it seemed its sole purpose was to create more conflict, not more “light.” I have not seen any indication in the years since that it has changed that approach. I am willing to read different opinions than mine, but I expect a good newspaper to offer well-reasoned opinions that do not deliberately use cruelty and bullying to make their point. I would also look forward to thoughtful and accurate coverage of City Hall and city issues. If you publish a provocative opinion piece, perhaps you can publish a well-written opposite opinion.

I will await future issues of the Review to see whether your apology is reflected in coming editions.

Gloria Sayler


Too much growth

To the editor:

I am a resident of Bainbridge Island. I am writing in regard to the Comprehensive Plan for BI growth.

I am very concerned about the City Council advocating for dramatic population growth for BI. The Growth Management Act only requires 4,524 new residents. Yet the city of BI is pushing for over 11,000 new residents.

This is not right. The higher amount of new residents would seriously degrade the quality of life here on BI and possibly destroy our vulnerable water source. It seems that COBI is ignoring the whole issue of limited water. We need a revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement that includes the Groundwater Management Plan.

As citizens of BI, we need to reject this absurd population increase and urge the council to stick with the 4,500 figure. Also COBI needs to be 100% transparent to the public with its plans for growth.

Please write the City Council to stop the irresponsible plans for unsustainable growth and overdevelopment.

Lissa Beytebiere
