Local pet food drive was great | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: First of all, thank you for mentioning our event in your newspaper, the event was a great success! We collected more than 600 pounds of dog and cat food along with miscellaneous pet supplies and cash donations all for the Kitsap Humane Society!

To the editor:

First of all, thank you for mentioning our event in your newspaper, the event was a great success! We collected more than 600 pounds of dog and cat food along with miscellaneous pet supplies and cash donations all for the Kitsap Humane Society!

We would like to say thank you to the great community that is Bainbridge for the generous donations made to help this worthy cause!

We would also like to send a shout out to Abel Mejia, Churchmouse Teas & Yarns, Bainbridge Bakers, Steven Kessler, Jade Castillo and the BI Barkery for their support and help with this event!

We are honored to work with and be involved with such a great community of people. Thank you!

JANICE M. DANIELSON, Project Manager

ISABELLE R. COBB, Assistant Manager

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