Olsen will work to limit government | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Kitsap County’s effective unemployment is 17 percent. One out of every four Kitsap homeowners is underwater with their mortgage. Hundreds of commercial developed properties and raw commercial land sit vacant.

To the editor:

Kitsap County’s effective unemployment is 17 percent. One out of every four Kitsap homeowners is underwater with their mortgage. Hundreds of commercial developed properties and raw commercial land sit vacant.

Each of these instances involve citizens, fathers, mothers, grandparents, all desperate for the non-existent private-sector jobs. These are signs of economic illness.

Capt. James Olsen, 23rd Representative candidate, chronicles these economic failures. What caught my attention was James Olsen’s clear and straight-forward solutions.

Olsen proposes that Olympia do a thorough and complete stem-to-stern evaluation of all functions performed. Functions must be rank-ordered.

James Olsen considers care of the developmentally disabled, proper K-12 education, infrastructure replacement, as core.  Olsen proposes non-key functions be outsourced to private-sector partnerships with church organizations or non-government organizations.

Olsen’s goal is for Washington to create a pro-business environment that telegraphs to individuals and investors that Washington is supportive of small and large private business creation and expansion.

James Olsen is adamant that Olympia suffers from a spending problem, not a revenue (tax) problem. Unlike his two Democrat opponents, Capt. Olsen does not favor an income tax or any attempt to rescind the two-thirds supermajority requirement for new taxes. Olsen calls for regulatory reform, education reform, and for a more efficient Washington State Ferries administration.

We must elect a free-market, limited-government advocate to our Legislature. Capt. Olsen has the steely resolve and perseverance to work with any coalition, alliance or group of legislators who seek a New Washington prosperity for our hurting citizens.


Bainbridge Island