Perfect candidate for ‘Party of No’ | Letters | Sept. 17


It’s ironic that a letter appeared in the Sept. 10 issue decrying opponents of James Olsen in the 23rd District legislative race for using personal attack rather than arguing the merits of issues.

Alongside it there was another in a series from James Olsen himself casting “shame, shame” on one writer and attacking another for daring to complain about email missives from Mr. Olsen’s campaign instead of apologizing for the unwanted mail and promising to remove him from the list.

I hope he continues to write weekly to the Review. That way, voters who haven’t noticed his silly little “NO on this” and “STOP that” signs around BI will get a better sense of the man who seeks to represent them– the perfect 2010 candidate from the Party of No.

Mike Kelly

Bainbridge Island