Police lieutenants are to be commended | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Amidst all the opprobrium raining down on the Bainbridge Island Police Department this year, I have another story to tell, a different kind of story.

To the editor:

Amidst all the opprobrium raining down on the Bainbridge Island Police Department this year, I have another story to tell, a different kind of story.

Recently I sought police assistance regarding the personal safety of a family member. Answering the call in the middle of a rainy evening were Lieutenants Phil Hawkins and Chris Jensen. They were everything you would want cops to be: courteous, professional, prompt and thorough.

Their attention to my concern was letter-perfect and contributed in no small part to a very happy resolution.

Having first come to Bainbridge in 1980, my family and I have occasionally crossed paths with these veteran officers, always with the same exceptionally satisfactory result.

I don’t know everyone on the force, but I do know that Bainbridge Islanders are particularly fortunate that Phil and Chris have their backs.


Penny Place