Radical right putting country at risk, so vote

Is our country going to pot? Does, bigotry, ignorance, and anger have a grip on the body politic to the point that common sense is passé – that we no longer care?

We can either give in to lethargy and frustration and “stay home” (that’s what the “dark forces” hope), or overcome our frustrations and vote en masse. – all of us: Labor, Independents, Democrats, Thinking Republicans. Progressives. We are the majority and dare not let selfishness and greed prevail. The luxury of apathy is too heavy a price – the stakes are much too high.

The radical right has not posed a single specific answer to our problems. They haven’t a clue as to what to do, but they do know how to cause problems and then complain. And when solutions are offered, they just say “no.” The upcoming election will prove if their strategy works! It’s entirely up to us.

Please overcome any frustrations you may have and vote. Be accountable. On Nov. 2, either, go to the poll and vote, or mark and mail-in your ballot. Ask your neighbors to do likewise. Our well being is at risk and so is our country!

Bob L. Burkholder

Bainbridge Island,