Speak up? Here it’s shut up or be tossed | Letters | Dec. 11

I participated in the Strawberry Park community meeting on Nov. 7 and left confident that the city had listened and intended to incorporate some of the ideas offered by people who participated.

I understood that city staff would follow up with a written analysis of what had been learned and what alterations, if any, they would make.

Four weeks passed and I attended the Dec. 2 City Council meeting expecting to receive a verbal report of the staff’s conclusions.

I listened for four hours to the council hopelessly lost in its own maze of budgetary wizardry. Council members felt better about themselves after allocating $179,000 to the arts. We don’t have $179,000 to spend.

I waited another 15 minutes and was told the council was approving the Strawberry Park grant and the citizens who attended were to shut up.

Another man attempted to speak and the City Council chairman called the policeman to remove him.

I learned a lot about our local democracy that night.

Jim Taylor

Rolling Bay