Swolgaard is strong advocate for trees, trails | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

I support Tom Swolgaard in his bid for another term as Bainbridge Island Park District Commissioner.

As a current commissioner, Tom has helped guide the park district in attaining its current excellent level of community programs, island recreational facilities, and open spaces. In discussing his goals for another term, Tom has many forward-thinking objectives to further park excellence. He recognizes that the aging and undersized competition pool at the aquatic center needs replacing. Tom identifies that parks needs to consider climate change in its decision-making, including supporting strengthening forest growth on the land they manage and preparing against the increasing hazard of forest fires.

He also is a strong advocate for adding trails to allow islanders access to the land and make new commuter connections for the city’s non-motorized system.

Additionally, Tom supports efforts to expand land holdings to grow parks where opportunities still remain.

Please join me in my vote for Tom Swolgaard to help sustain the excellence of our park district.


Bainbridge Island