Tall buildings would change its character | Letters, Jan. 16

I wish to respond to one of the points mentioned in Gary Pettersen’s Jan. 9 letter to the editor (“If careful, street can keep its charm”).

He supports taller buildings on Winslow Way and uses the Seabreeze building (on the corner of Bjune and Madison) as an example of how a tall building can work.

That building is tall and next to another building. I can live with that – in that location and as it is.

I, too, feel the sidewalks on Winslow Way should be widened and flattened and be made safer and more convenient to navigate.

Winslow Way is not that wide of a street. Having both sides of Winslow, for most of its length, filled with 4 or 5 story buildings would drastically change the character of our funky street. I absolutely do not feel that the Seabreeze analogy fits.I was very happy when the Winslow Tomorrow architectural concept seemed to die.

Jeff Braff

Blakely Avenue